لَبَّيْكَ اللَّهُمَّ لَبَّيْك


عبدالله القلاعي

Abdullah Al-Qalai

Operations Manager

عمرو لقمان السناري

Amr Luqman Al-Sunari

Company Director

حسين كركدان

Hussain Karkadan


Company Director

إيهاب بكر محمد ابراهيم

Ihab Bakr Mohamed

Marketing and Public
Relations Manager

executive team

Company Director

Amr Luqman Al-Sunari

24 years of experience in the Hajj field

With 25 years of experience in the hospitality field, encompassing both seasonal and permanent work in Hajj and Umrah services.

Educational qualification: Master’s degree
Specialization: Business Administration + Tourism
Email: amr.alsunari@makarem.sa

operations team

Deputy Company Director

Hussain Karkadan

15 years of experience in the Hajj field

Possessing 20 years of experience in the hotel industry,as well as substantial engagement in seasonal work in Hajj with multinational organizations in the same field.

Specialization: Business Administration

Operations Manager

Abdullah Al-Qalai

12 years of experience in the Hajj field

With more than 10 years of experience in the hospitality field, he also worked at the service center of the company, serving pilgrims from Arab countries for 11 years in various areas such as rituals, accommodations, and transportation.

University Degree: Bachelor's
Major: Public Relations

sales & marketing

Marketing and Public
Relations Manager

Ihab Bakr Mohamed Ibrahim

30 years of experience in the Hajj field

Bringing 5 years of experience from the tourism industry, he shifted into the hospitality sector for 25 years, including 15 years specifically in Hajj and Umrah services across various markets and collaborating with major international companies in the field.

Specialization: Languages + Tourism and Hospitality